Mentoring Young People in Community Settings

StreetGames is pleased to partner with Developing Youth Practice to deliver the Mentoring Young People in Community Settings programme. This innovative programme of learning directly builds capacity in community organisations, to enable positive mentoring opportunities to vulnerable young people.


Format: 3.5 days
Minimum Age: 16 years old
Delivery Method: Mentoring Young People in Community Settings can be delivered in a bespoke way based on the needs of our collaborators, with a combination of Face to Face and online learning available.  Initially, there are a fundamental block of x 6 Half day sessions as part of the programme.  These can be delivered concurrently over an intense 3-day period or alternatively, over a staggered timetable of half day delivery blocks via face to face and/or online delivery methods. There is an additional x 3 follow up sessions to enable practitioners to reflect effectively on their learning and look to effectively embed Choice Theory into individual practice. It is recommended that a minimum of 10 participants attend, with a maximum of 20 participants.

Choice Theory is used as the underpinning theory for engaging vulnerable young people associated with this programme. Choice Theory is an approach that helps people take more effective control of their lives. It does this by teaching and utilising a very practically focused psychology which offers immediately useable skills that enable people to re-direct their own lives, make more effective choices, and develop the resilience to handle the challenges of life more successfully.  Many participants have provided feedback that Choice Theory is a game changer in enhancing their performance as highly effective youth focussed practitioners.  Ultimately, Choice Theory is a methodology proven to make significant change for the lives of young people, central to the mission and values of both StreetGames and Developing Youth Practice.

The key elements of the workshop are:

  • Rapport and relationship building in mentoring
  • Quality worlds and how to build aspirations
  • Understanding our basic needs and we can get them met in a way that doesn’t harm us or others
  • Total behaviour and how we can build emotional resilience
  • The perception system and how we see the world
  • The where and when of the mentoring conversation
  • The how of the mentoring conversation – a practical 4 step mentoring framework to explore barriers to engaging, build choices and solutions to support the young person

Who is it for: This workshop is for both adults and young adults, employed workers and volunteers who are based in community settings in key roles to be able to reach, engage and support vulnerable young people.


Register your interest

For more details on associated costs and to book ‘Mentoring Young People in Community Settings’, please fill in our Training Enquiry Form and a member of the team will shortly be in touch.

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