Format: 90 mins
Minimum Age: 14 years old
Delivery Method: Online, up to 20 participants
This live 1.5-hour webinar is a great opportunity for you to spend a bit of time thinking about your wellbeing and the wellbeing of young people you work with during these very challenging times. The session will be based on the 5-ways to wellbeing and how we can make small changes in our lifestyles to look after ourselves and each other. Come prepared to get involved in some fun, lighthearted activities that may be useful to use try out with other colleagues, youth groups and partners you are working with.
Cost: £400
“An interactive exercise to really give you chance to focus on yourself during a hectic schedule”
“Really simple activities that you can do to improve your well-being”
“I liked that we could openly talk and share our own experiences with each other”
Book now
Fill out our training enquiry form if you are you looking to book a course exclusively for your organisation or you want to discuss something more bespoke.